snookballBilliard Soccer Ball

pool balls

Pool Soccer Ballspoolball

Billiard Soccer Balls  Pool Soccer Ball

A massive 22 foot pool table served as the stage and 2 teams were challenged with kicking and head-butting 15 soccer balls, re-skinned to resemble billiard balls into goals positioned in place of each of the pockets of a pool table.

Also great for the fun party....

poolballpool soccer ball


16 pool soccer balls

A Complete set of Billiard Balls - including the "Cue soccer ball" Get out and play a little "Soccer on the Felt" or Kick around in the backyard and set up your "Pockets" wherever they fit. This is a great game of snooker soccer for children and  parents, you can set it up in minutes using cones or hurdles as the "Pockets".

pool footballs

  Snookball is the most popular party ball game these days ... mostly played in clubs but now days soccer fans are also
converting there home backyards into snookball area.

poolballs soccer

Billiard soccer ball is also know as Snookball is a new game it is played on a Giant billiard soccer table
that players can walk on, with size 4 soccer balls used in place of billiards balls.

billiard pool soccer balls snookball

All poolballs are Size 4
Size 3 and 2 or 5 also available.
Gloss outer casing material with latex bladder

snookball bag

Only sold in complete sets of 16 balls
pool soccer balls snookball

All sizes, 3, 4 and 5 are available.

billiard soccer ballssnookball

Nine Ball billiard pool soccer balls snookball
9 Ball Pool Soccer Balls

Snookball Table Dimensions
The playing table is a giant snookball table measuring 6.60m x 3.60m.


Antique balls
Antique Soccer Ball



Bungee soccer balls
Bungee Soccer ball



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promotional soccer balls
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